I wouldn’t necessarily say that I have a problem with road rage anymore, but I will shamefully admit that I have gotten angry and flipped somebody the bird a time or two, and yet here I am, calling myself a Christian. How can that possibly be? Well let me tell you how my Father spoke to me in this situation, I’ll start from the beginning:
Thursday night I was driving home from my mom’s house to pick up my sister Chloe and my niece Tasha. We were going to go to Aunties house for dinner. As I’m driving down Mt. Hope in the left lane, the truck next to me in the right lane starts to move over into mine without looking first and almost sideswiped me. So, I laid on my horn, and I mean LAID on it, and I’m sure it scared the bejeebies out of the guy because he moved right back over into his lane and then I sped past him shaking my head. Instantly, I heard this voice inside of me say, “Did you really have to do that?” “You could have just honked once and slowed down.” Now some of you might argue and say that is my guilty conscience talking, but I knew exactly who it was when I heard it, so I said, “I’m sorry Abba I will try better next time.”
So, I make it to the house, and I pick up Chloe and Tasha. We go to Aunties and eat dinner. We spend a little time there, and then we headed home. As we were heading home, this truck ran a stop sign and again I almost got hit. So, what did I do? Well, I didn’t get mad and yell at him, but I did lay on my horn again, and then I turned toward my sister and my niece, and I said, “What is wrong with people?” “Is it a full moon or something?”, and by the way it was, and then once again as we made our way home, I heard that little whisper, “You did it again”, and I said, “Abba, please forgive me and give me another chance.”
So, now its Friday afternoon the next day, and I’m driving home from work on 496. The sun is shining, the weather is beautiful for the first time in weeks, I’ve got the windows down and the music playing, and I’m feeling pretty good. Then all of the sudden, this little white car comes flying up behind me! He is so close that I can’t even see his front bumper in my rearview mirror, and then we came into a construction zone. Now I know he can’t see the traffic stopping in front of me because he is traveling so close to my behind, so I started to slow down way back to avoid him crashing into me at the last minute. Well, he didn’t like the fact that I slowed down, so he decided to blow his horn and swerve around me into the left lane, and as he was doing that, I could see him screaming at me. But then he looked forward and saw the stopped traffic and he had to slam on his breaks. So, what did I do you might ask? Well, I laughed at him as I passed by, and that is when my middle finger went up, and yet I have failed once again.
So, I go home for a little bit and I do some things around the house, and I start to think about all of the sermons I have heard about having a bumper sticker on your car or a fish that represents Jesus, but then driving like you represent someone else, and I thought to myself, “I’m sure glad I don’t have a bumper sticker on my truck!” and then I laughed and I thanked God for pointing this out to me, and I asked Him once again to please Help me do better.
And This leads me to the park later that evening. I went to pray and to write about the “Bumper sticker” story, but instead God took me in a different direction, and He reprimanded me in a way that only He can. I’m not even sure that I would call it a reprimand because it was so gentle, yet effective, and it brought me such joy afterwards that I cried.
So, like I said, I wanted to write about how God spoke to me about the bumper sticker, but first I wanted to find a bible verse that spoke to me directly about being more like Jesus so that I could focus on that in my writing. To do that, I googled, “How to be more like Jesus”, and that led me to Ephesians chapter 4, verses 1-3, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
This verse jumped right out at me, but being somewhat new to reading the bible, I wasn’t sure who was speaking, so I decided to look that up too. I found out that it was Paul, but while I was doing that, I also came across this really great devotion on redeeminggod.com called, “The Seven Attitudes of Unity”, and I just had to read it. To sum it all up, I will define them below:
1. Lowliness- is humility, seeing ourselves as small, regarding others as more important than ourselves, unworthy of attention.
2. Gentleness- is great strength being withheld. Strength under control, and power restrained.
3. Long Suffering- is a quality of self-restraint. You do not hastily retaliate. You have the power to take revenge, but you choose not to.
4. Bear with One Another- Put up with others shortcomings, just like you would with your own children, knowing that when they make mistakes, they are learning and maturing.
5. In Love- Agape love defined as unconditional with no strings attached. Never ending, the kind of love that God has for us. Agape love is not an emotional love, it is a love bound to the will of God.
6. Unity of the Spirit- In Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1, Paul is giving us instructions on how to walk as a Christian. His first instruction is to walk in unity. So, when you have conflict with somebody, don’t expect them to change first just so that the two of you can get along. Instead, examine your own heart first. What could you have done differently? What can you do now to fix it? And remember, unity does not come from us, it is given to us by God when we become Christians. It is simply our task to maintain it in His Spirit for we all have the same Spirit living within us, and when we are in disunity, it is like we are trying to divide God.
7. Bond of Peace- Peace with others begins with peace with God. “It is only when the peace of God rules in our hearts that we can build unity with another.” Colossians chapter 3 verse 15.
And last but not least, the author of this devotion goes on to say, “Gentleness does not mean never getting angry, even God got angry sometimes.” “Gentleness means getting angry at the right time, in the right measure, and for the right reasons.” In Ephesians chapter 4 verse 26, God’s word says, “Be angry and do not sin.”
So, with that being said, I feel like God’s reprimand was to teach me what it means to be in unity with other Christians, even when I am doing something as simple as driving. Am I still a Christian even though I flipped that man the bird? Yes, I am, because I made a mistake and I am forgiven, and who knows, that guy might also be a Christian who made a mistake. Maybe he had a bad day, maybe he was frustrated by other drivers like I was the day before, or maybe he doesn’t even know God yet, and that was my missed opportunity to reflect a Christian attitude towards him and be humble. No matter what the situation may have been, I know that I am grateful for the lesson that I learned through it, and I pray that the next time I have an incident with another driver, I will do better, with God’s help.
Do you think that the lessons that we are taught take root in us right away, or do we get it over time? In my experience, it takes time. As a matter of fact, I am still learning this lesson as I just had another encounter on the road the other day, even after I wrote this devotion, and it did not go well at all. So, how do we make sure that these lessons are implemented into our daily life so that we can truly live a life worthy of the calling that we have received?
Father thank You for Your very important lessons and Your gentle reprimands. Thank You for being patient with us as we learn, grow, and mature. Thank You for Your Spirit that lives in all of us and please forgive us when we try to divide You. Thank You for speaking to us in a way that we can hear You and understand what You have to say. Thank You for guiding us through the scripture and through life and thank You for helping us be an example to others. Thank You Abba for self-control, lowliness, gentleness, long suffering, helping us to bear with one another in love, unity in the Spirit, and for a bond of peace.
In Jesus Name,