A Posture of Humility

Sticking with Pastor Matt's theme of humility this week, and the tool of repetition, I would just like to begin today by reminding you that your greatness is based upon what you give up to serve others, and not what you gain for yourself. This really stuck a cord with me as Pastor Matt was preaching on Sunday because there have been so many times that I have heard somebody say things like, "Why should I do that for them when they never do anything for me?, or "Why should I help somebody when I can barely afford to help myself?", and when I hear these things as a Christian now, they make me cringe. You see, I have had this mindset in the past, so I understand it, but now that I know Jesus and seek to be an imitator of Christ, I know that that this is the way of the world, and not God's way. For in His word He says, "Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45.

So, with that being said family, I encourage you today to keep this particular scripture verse in your mind every day, especially on the days that you find yourself in a worldly mindset, thinking that things just don't seem to be fair, and you wonder why you should help anybody at all. Remember, start with a posture of humility, just as Pastor Matt said on Sunday, because doing so brings us closer to our Creator, strengthens us in our transformation, and helps us be a witness to others who do not yet know Christ and the love that He has for us.