If you saw the service online last Sunday, or attended in person, I'm sure that you saw the lighting of the first Advent candle. This first candle is often referred to as the candle of hope, symbolizing the anticipation and longing for Christ's coming. As this candle is lit, you are encouraged to reflect on God's promises and to trust in His plan.
The second candle that we will light next Sunday represents peace. This candle is a reminder that Jesus came into our broken world to bring peace between God and humanity and encourages you to reflect on how you can be a peacemaker in a world full of conflict.
On the third Sunday of Advent, we will light the candle that represents joy, reminding us that Jesus' birth brought joy and celebration to the world. It reminds us to choose joy even in difficult circumstances, knowing that we have a reason to celebrate despite the challenges that life gives us.
The fourth candle that we will light on Sunday, December 22nd, symbolizes love and represents God's unconditional love for humanity, demonstrated through the gift of His Son Jesus. That candle is a reminder of God's love and encourages us to share that love with others.
We will then light the last candle, the Christ candle, during the Christmas Eve worship service on December 24th. This candle is lit in celebration of Christ's birth, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration that helps us to embrace the profound significance of His presence in our lives. This candle symbolizes the transformative power of Jesus Christ.
Now I'm sure that many of you already know the meaning of the candles, but if you're like me sometimes you just need a quick refresher! With that being said, I found that understanding the deeper meanings associated with each candle helps me to reflect on the powerful message of faith, unity, and the enduring light of Christ in this world. I hope it helps you too!