A while back I took a test to find out if I am a pastor, a prophet, an evangelist, an apostle, or a teacher and I was surprised to learn that according to the test I am an evangelist. I thought for sure that I would score as a teacher, but I guess in my mind a teacher and an evangelist can work together because how can you invite somebody into the kingdom of God without first teaching them about who He is? Or, better yet, living as an example of Him and His good works so that they can see for themselves.
You see, when I went on to read about what an evangelist is, this is what I read:
· “You make the stories of Jesus’ remarkable goodness and love famous.”
· “You are the carrier of good news, and partner with Jesus to celebrate people’s transformation.”
· “You stir curiosity and desire to know Jesus.”
· “Your life is a living invitation for ALL to join the family of God.”
· “You are an Evangelist.”
So, needless to say, after looking at it in this light, I can wholeheartedly say that I agree with the fact that I am an evangelist because even though I am not out there knocking on doors like you might picture, I am out here making the stories of Jesus remarkable, and so are you! We make the stories of Jesus remarkable when we tell of what He has done in our lives. We make the stories of Jesus remarkable when we tell of how He saved us from death, suicidal thoughts, depression, illness, heartbreak, danger, financial crisis, and so much more. We make the stories of Jesus remarkable when we tell of how we have experienced these things and still came out on the other side because we knew that He was with us, and sometimes even when we didn’t know He was. We make the stories of Jesus remarkable when we tell people of the peace that we find in Him, and the comfort of His love. We make the stories of Jesus remarkable when we offer this kind of healing to others, praying that God will open their hearts to Him so that they can also experience the kind of love and healing that no doctor or medicine can provide.
I am also an evangelist because I am the carrier of good news and I do get to partner with Jesus in celebrating people’s transformation. I get to send out weekly emails and share the good news with all of you. I get to announce baptisms, marriages, anniversaries, birthdays, prayer requests, and praises. I even get to share the good news of our missionaries from different states and countries around the world! I get to create bulletins with announcements, answer phones and have conversations with people in the community, and I get to say, “God bless you” to them when they stop by my office for personal need items. I am an evangelist because God uses me to speak to people in so many ways to relay His messages and what He wants to say, and sometimes I just sit here and wonder to myself, “Who would have ever thought?” “Shy, quiet, introverted Stacia, being used by God to speak.”
I will also admit that I do stir people’s curiosity and desire to know Jesus. There have been times that my nieces and nephew have come to me to ask a question about Him, and they say, “I’m not sure if I believe or not because I don’t really understand it all, but I would like to know more.” Two of my nieces even asked for a bible, and a few of my kids have come to church with me on more than one occasion. The biological ones and the ones that I have adopted in my heart, and this is where I think the teacher part comes in. You see, I think that God puts people in your path, adults, and kids alike, according to your gifts and His plan for you and for them. For me He brings kids, teenagers, and young adults, but for somebody else it may be senior citizens, young businessmen, or women, or maybe you are really good at connecting with people who have experienced some sort of tragedy that you can relate to. Or, maybe it is a connection that you have because of sports or some kind of hobby. I don’t know for sure, but what I do know is that God puts people in your path specifically for a reason, and that nothing happens by accident.
And the last point, “Your life is a living invitation for ALL to join the family of God.” Well, I am still working on this one, but I can honestly say that I am getting better. Do I still slip up and say a swear word or two when I am angry? Yes, all the time, I even do it when I’m not angry, but I have learned to be more patient. This was something that I have asked God to help me with several times, and I continue to ask Him to help me do better with each and every day.
All in all, I do my best. I live my life looking for people in need and wondering how I can help them, but to be honest, I don’t really have to look that far. There are people in need everywhere. Some are just in need of a hug or a listening ear and some are in need of much more. So, it is important that we ask God to show us what their needs are and also for the means to help them because we cannot do it on our own.
Father thank You for Your words as You speak through us today and every day. Thank You for reminding us that no matter how we score on a quiz, a questionnaire, or who we think we are, we are who You say we are.
Thank You for helping us to meet people where they are and then lead them to where they need to be.
Thank You for helping us to remember that people don’t live in your church building, but out in the community where they interact with non-Christians every day.
God, please send them our way so that we can show them something different.
In Jesus’ name,